Genfarm Epoxiconazole 500 Fungicide
For the control/supression of Eyespot, Leaf Rust, Leaf Scald, Net form of Net Blotch, Powdery Mildew, Septoria Nodorum Blotch, Septoria Leaf Blotch, Septoria Tritici Blotch, Spot form of Net Blotch, Stem Rust, Stripe Rust and Yellow Spot in Barley, Oats and Wheat as per the Directions for Use
Genfarm Prothio T Fungicide
For the control of various diseases in wheat, barley, oats, triticale, canola and pyrethrum.
Genfarm Azoxystobin Xtra Fungicide
For the control of certain fungal diseases in barley, wheat and peanuts.
Genfarm Tebuconazole 430 Fungicide
For the control of leaf spot and leaf speckle on bananas; rust; leaf spot and net bloch of peanuts; foliar diseases on cereal crops; and other diseases on beans, lettuce, peas, onions, paw paw, pyrethrum and rye grass and fescue seed crops as specified in the Directions for Use table.
Genfarm Mancozeb 750 WG Fungicide
For the control of certain fungus diseases of fruit, field crops, tobacco, turf, vegetables and ornamentals as per the Directions for Use table.
Genfarm Flutriafol 500 SC Fungicide
For control of certain fungal diseases on wheat, barley and canola when mixed with fertiliser as per the Directions for Use table.
Genfarm Difenoconazole 250 Fungicide
For the control of Target Spot of Potatoes and Tomatoes, Leaf Blight of Carrots, Leaf Spot Diseases of Bananas and Husk Spot on Macadamias.
Genfarm Captan 900 WG Fungicide
For the control of certain diseases in a range of fruit crops, turf & ornamentals as per Directions for Use.
Genfarm Azoxystrobin 250 SC Fungicide
For the control of various diseases of grapes, potatoes, tomatoes, cucurbits, avocados, mangoes, passionfruit and poppies as per the Directions for Use.